Ursula Williams
President, SIA

Barry Asin
Chief Analyst, SIA


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Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) is the gold standard of research on staffing and workforce solutions. Founded in 1989 by staffing pioneer Peter Yessne, SIA was one of the first to pick up on the rise of the freelance economy and has led the charge in researching its size, growth, key players, and everything related to freelance ever since. 

In this episode, we chat with Ursula Williams, President of SIA and Co-Author of Together We Rise, along with Barry Asin, Chief Analyst and former President of SIA.

Key takeaways:

1: Out of the $3.8 trillion contingent talent spend, most is allocated to independent contractors, and much of it is unmanaged.

2: SIA first identified the freelance economy as early as 2004 in the form of ‘contingent talent.’ 

3: SIA started noticing talent platforms around 2010: Tech was the driver for freelance, starting with VMS (vendor management systems), then talent platforms.

5: What’s changed? Talent is now in the driver’s seat.

6: There is a clear distinction between the B2B and B2C sides of external talent.

7: We’re still not any closer to agreeing on what to call this space.

After listening to this episode, you’ll walk away with a tangible understanding of the freelance space, where it’s going, and how to seize the opportunity of freelance as a sourcing strategy or an industry to build in. 


00:00 – Introduction and Acknowledgment of SIA’s Data

09:01 – The Shift in Focus to Contingent Work

18:56 – Challenges in Defining and Categorizing Contingent Work

22:55 – Adapting to the Changing Landscape of Work

27:39 – The Transformation of the Staffing Industry

28:46 – The Impact of Technology on the Demand and Supply Sides

32:06 – The Rise of Remote Work and Skill-Job Connection

33:24 – The Success of the CCWP Certification

38:47 – Supporting Growth and Success in the Staffing Industry

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Human Cloud helps freelance leaders solve their toughest challenges. From Enterprises scaling freelance workforces, to Platforms positioning their unique differentiation, Human Cloud is fortunate to have a global hand in helping the freelance economy grow.


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