Human Cloud CEO, Matthew Mottola at SXSW - The Great Reshuffle: Talent Wars in the Gig Economy

Human Cloud Team
February 8, 2024
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If there were ever a question about how today’s workers feel about, well, work, then The Great Resignation provided an answer. People no longer want to be treated like interchangeable parts in an industrial-age process. They want to be recognized for their unique talents. And the gig economy — characterized by its flexible, freelance, and often temporary work arrangements — has provided a new way to achieve that, revolutionizing how talent views the exchange of time for money.
In this session, we’ll break down the shifting landscape of employment — understanding that it’s not just a trend of mass exits from traditional employment but a broader movement toward meaningful, fulfilling work that aligns with personal values and life goals. We’ll examine how organizations can respond to these evolving expectations, offering insights into flexible work arrangements, enhancing job satisfaction, and the importance of purpose-driven missions to engage the workforce of the future.
MAJ Jay Long, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
BG Mike McGinley, US Air Force (moderator)
Matthew Mottola, Human Cloud
Dr. Kris Saling, US Army Recruiting Command