
Freelance Leaders,

We are excited to announce the next generation release of Freelance Trend Tracker. 

Trend Tracker offers a quarterly database of freelance sentiment, sharing how freelance leaders, investors, ecosystem partners and individual freelancers feel about industry potential, where and how startup teams are investing, what skills are in high demand, how client priorities are shifting, the impact of new capabilities like generative AI, attitudes toward venture funding vs bootstrapping growth, and how freelance leaders and freelancers see industry direction.

Screenshots from the Survey

We’ve been testing Trend Tracker for 4 months and are beyond excited about its potential. In our beta launch, raters from all freelance verticals, and individuals from over 40 countries participated.

We’ve partnered with Teamera, a leading freelance business intelligence platform, to build the HumanCloud.Work Trend Tracker database. The surveys and resulting data analysis leverage Teamera’s data and analytics capabilities to give our industry data-driven insights to help inform business decision-making, identify partnership opportunities, and uncover emerging trends in real time. The HumanCloud.Work Trend Tracker provides an easy interface for subscribers to customize, download, and export relevant data so they can stay ahead on the freelance economy and make informed decisions on their business needs.


Some of the comments from beta testers:

  • “Trend Tracker gives us a birds eye view of where we should be positioning ourselves, where we should be investing our resources, and how we should be planning our growth.” 
  • “Prior to Trend Tracker we depended on informal client and peer feedback about the industry. It’s nice to have one place to go for insight on freelancer leaders and investors.” 
  • “Trend Tracker was helpful to us in choosing to bootstrap 2024 instead of seeking VC investment.” 


It’s easy to subscribe to The Human Cloud Trend Tracker

Participating in the Human Cloud Trend Tracker is easy.

  • Step 1: Subscribe to the Freelance Trend Tracker Community

    Step 2: Fill out the survey each quarter, HERE is this quarters survey

    Step 3: Access your database (within your database you can download, customize, and export the data), check out reports, and attend community events

Currently subscriptions are free for participating freelancers and freelance marketplace leaders and staff. There will be a small subscription cost for others interested in accessing the Trend Tracker (investors, enterprises, journalists) but nothing that will break the bank.

Each quarter, we’ll provide subscribers with a summary report and share the results in our HumanCloud.Work Podcast. We are also pleased to offer short, intensive, data workshops for organizations eager to dig deeper into the data and their implications.


Ready to get started?

Fill out this quarter’s survey HERE

Cheers to moving the freelance economy forward,

– Matthew Mottola and Jon Younger


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