Matt Dowling, Founder of Freelance Club

Expert Insights Matthew DowlingFounder of Freelancer Club Leaders, the freelance economy is shifting from being dominated by large, horizontal marketplaces to small, niche, hyper relevant communities of freelancers. We call this freelance first, and Matt’s 8+ year old community of 60,000 freelancers is the epitome of this. Built with education, support, and opportunities as the three pillars, […]
2021 Recap and 2022 Predictions

66% of full time freelancers believe they are more secure than FTE’s…78% say they are healthier…let’s analyze what happened in 2021 and what will happen in 2022.
Why 2021 Was The Catalyst For The Human Cloud

Pre-Covid, remote and the freelance economy was driving the shift from the office to the human cloud. Then came Covid. And with Covid, the overnight acceptance of remote.