Kelvin Wetherill, Founder & CEO, Supportwave

NerdApp best personifies the freelance economies transformation away from broad marketplaces and towards niche, skill specific platforms. Learn how Kelvin used his personal experience in the IT services industry for 15+ years to create a marketplace that can deliver IT experts in under 30 seconds.

Maari Casey, 10+ Year Freelancer, Founder of Uncompany

Expert Insights Maari Casey 10+ Year Freelancer Founder of Uncompany Leaders, our industry is in a really unique position. For the past 10 years we’ve been client focused. Meaning our attention, investment, and decisions typically were based off what was best for the client, not the freelancer. Today we’re freelancer focused. Meaning the value of […]

Abby Forman, Director of Communications at Fiverr

Expert Insights Abby Forman Director of Communications Fiverr Leaders, Fiverr took the baton at productizing freelance services so hiring a freelancer is as easy as calling an Uber. It’s incredible to hear Abby’s focus on how the freelance economy isn’t the gig economy, or another work model, but rather a digital transformation tool for every […]

Jon Younger

Jon recently led the most comprehensive global study on freelancers with the University of Toronto.

Stephanie Nadi Olson, Founder of We Are Rosie

Stephanie Nadi Olson, Founder of We Are Rosie, joins The Human Cloud Leader Portal to discuss why she built We Are Rosie, where the freelance economy is headed, and how leaders can get started hiring freelancers.

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