Industry Brief

Industry brief aggregates every sticky note, every stat, and every slide we always have readily available.

Freelancer Classification Checklist

For companies hiring more than 100 freelancers, misclassification is a mistake that can bankrupt you. This checklist is a quick guide to make sure you have the right foundation.

Freelance Workforce Maturity Assessment

How does your freelance workforce or freelance strategy compare to your peers? Through 5 quick questions, we’ll segment where you stand in relation to your industry, company size, and type of work.

Service Level Agreement Template

Ready to win large projects and scale your business today? A proposal is the foundation for every good project. It doesn’t need to be long, but it needs to clearly communicate deliverables and align expectations. STEP 1: DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE STEP 2: FILE > MAKE A COPY STEP 3: CUSTOMIZE IT FOR YOUR UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS […]

Invoice Template

Download this invoice template to send to a client today. Sometimes Stripe, Payoneer, or your go to invoicing software is the way. But more times than not a PDF of this template works good enough.

CRM, Sales and Operations Dashboard

Manage all of your opportunities, clients, and existing projects through this spreadsheet. Whether a founder or freelancer this dashboard can handle up to $1 million in pipeline before you should upgrade to Salesforce, Hubspot, or a higher level CRM solution.

Proposal and Statement of Work Template

Download a proposal and statement of work template you can use in your B2B service business immediately. Why this template? It’s optimized to unlock long and larger freelance projects, set up each project for success, and scale the amount of clients you can take on.