Kristin Saling, Acting Director, Innovation Directorate, U.S. Army Recruiting Command

TRANSCRIPT Kristin Saling, Acting Director, Innovation Directorate, U.S. Army Recruiting Command LinkedIn Email Twitter Print Subscribe to Human Cloud Podcast Leaders, In this episode, we reconnect with Kris Saling, Acting Director of the Innovation Directorate at U.S. Army Recruiting Command, who we first met on a Department of Defense-hosted panel at SXSW. Kris is a […]
Liza Rodewald, Founder & CEO of Instant Teams

TRANSCRIPT Liza Rodewald, Founder & CEO of Instant Teams LinkedIn Email Twitter Print Subscribe to Human Cloud Podcast Leaders, What if I told you there was a secret talent pool that could revolutionize customer experience? Instant Teams, a CX talent platform specializing in military spouse talent, is that secret solution. Founded by Liza Rodewald and […]
Elina Jutelyte Founder of Freelance Business Community

TRANSCRIPT Elina Jutelyte, Founder of Freelance Business Community LinkedIn Email Twitter Print Subscribe to Human Cloud Podcast Leaders, Elina Jutelyte, the founder of Freelance Business Community, discusses the challenges and opportunities of hosting events and running freelance-based communities. She shares insights on the changing freelance economy and the role of platforms in freelancing. Elina emphasizes […]
Rishon Blumberg, Co-Founder 10x Management

Human Cloud podcast Rishon BlumbergCo-Founder, 10x ManagementCo-Author, Game Changer: How to be 10x in the Talent Economy Never miss a podcast! Leaders, Rishon is one of the founders of 10x, which is one of the OGs operating as a talent agency instead of a marketplace. In 2012, Rishon and Michael Solomon started 10x and […]
Pavel Shynkarenko, Founder & CEO Solar Staff

Human Cloud podcast Pavel ShynkarenkoFounder & CEO, Solar Staff Never miss a podcast! Leaders, Private Talent Clouds are all the rage right now, yet Pavel has been helping large companies build their Private Talent Clouds since 2014. Prior to 2014, Pavel was running his legal firm, when multiple clients asked if he could help structure the contracts and pay independent contractors. This […]
Sean Ring, VP On-Demand Talent Solutions, People 2.0

Expert Insights Sean RingVP On-Demand Talent Solutions, People 2.0 Leaders, Sean Ring is a window into the future, he is a founder and leader building one of the most important trends in our space, the shift to enterprises accessing multiple freelance marketplaces. Sean was the Co-Founder of Fulcrum, one of the earliest startups tackling a multi-marketplace aggregator model, and now […]
Allen Larson, President & Chief Talent Officer, Civilized Rebellion

Expert Insights Allen LarsonPresident & Chief Talent Officer, CIVILIZED REBELLION Leaders, To deeply understand the current freelance economy, we must understand the origins of innovation first introduced by the staffing industry. Robert Half is one of the staffing industries leading firms that used technology early to revolutionize how they hired internally. This is where Allen […]
Angie Moody, Founder & CEO, Ruby Money

Expert Insights Angie MoodyFounder & CEO, Ruby Money Leaders, Angie represents two of the sexiest shifts in our industry. One, top talent is choosing to freelance over the traditional career path, best covered by Ernie Park of Part Time Tech. Two, the freelance economy is becoming it’s own industry, no different than retail, hospitality, cloud […]
Ernie Park, Founder, Part-Time Tech

Expert Insights Ernie ParkFounder, Part-Time Tech Leaders, Ernie is the epitome of the most exciting trend in the freelance economy…future VP’s choosing to freelance over the corporate ladder. Ernie runs Part-Time Tech, a newsletter highlighting the benefits of freelance models for tech talent like him. Prior, he majored in computer science at MIT, and was […]
Gale Wilkinson, Managing Partner at VITALIZE

Gale Wilkinson, Managing Partner at VITALIZE, discussing the freelance economy from a venture capital point of view.