Welcome to 2025: Talent Trends, Predictions, and Insights with Matthew Mottola and Tony Buffum, Former CHRO and Human Cloud’s New Head of Enterprise Strategy

Client Access Welcome to 2025: Talent Trends, Predictions, and Insights with Matthew Mottola and Tony Buffum, Former CHRO and Human Cloud’s New Head of Enterprise Strategy Share this! LinkedIn Email Twitter Print Episode Overview As we step into 2025, the workplace is evolving faster than ever. Leadership today requires a keen understanding of how to […]

Jeff Fenigstein, Founder of Market Growth, Former Woodruff Sawyer

TRANSCRIPT Jeff Fenigstein, Founder of Market Growth, Former Woodruff Sawyer LinkedIn Email Twitter Print Subscribe to Human Cloud Podcast Worksome helps pay talent across 150+ countries. Remove risk for your entire company when hiring and paying external talent.  Leaders,  We all know Enterprise adoption is the biggest barrier facing the freelance economy today. While freelance […]

Nuri Demirci Lopez, Principal PM at Microsoft & Author

Why should you care about the freelance economy? Yes…over half the US workforce will be freelancing in the next 5 years. Yes…there are over 300 million freelancers worldwide. And yes…freelancers encapsulate every skill, especially cutting-edge skills like AI, Blockchain, and Supply Chain, and have the exact expertise that you need.

Asal Naraghi, HR & Talent Strategy Leader

Human Cloud podcast Asal Naraghi,HR & Talent Strategy Leader Never miss a podcast! Leaders, Asal is the definition of an HR Changemaker we want on our side. She was Phillips’ Global Head of Strategic Priorities Delivery,  What blew me away were four things: How similar the technology of the freelance economy solves top challenges for talent leaders. […]

Arvind Ravishunkar, GM Wipro

Human Cloud podcast Arvind Ravishunkar, GM Wipro Never miss a podcast! Leaders,  AI is all the buzz…but what is the practical application of AI for every leader? According to Arvind, GM at Wipro, a leading global digital transformation consultancy, the practical application is that in the next 5 years, there will be a fundamental disruption in the […]

Steve Rader, Nasa

Human Cloud podcast Steve RaderNASA Tournament Lab and the Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation Never miss a podcast! Leaders, The freelance economy is more than just a staff augmentation or marketplace model. It’s a fundamental disruption in how we unlock the most important asset of our society – human potential. In NASA’s words, “It […]

Vinod Kartha, VP, Strategic Initiatives at UST

Vinod is the ideal leader and ideal champion for Open Talent. Vinod leads strategic initiatives at UST, a global digital transformation consultancy (UST is like that quiet kid that doesn’t need to insert themselves into every convo yet is the valedictorian, sports star, and just a great human). Vinod’s focus is Talent Supply Chain Management and Digital Transformation, along with spearheading an industry leading initiative called the Open Talent Center of Excellence.

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