What Enterprise Leaders Need To Know About Freelance

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Enterprise Leaders – what do you need to know about the freelance economy?
Join us as we talk with Nuri Demirci Lopez of Microsoft, Akhil Seth of UST, and Jeff Fenigstein on Friday, June 28th, at 11 am est.
We’ll dig deep into why leading brands like Microsoft, Airbus, and NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration to name a few are embracing freelance as a growth and innovation investment.
What to expect:
1: Understand WHY enterprises need to prioritize the freelance economy
2: Understand HOW enterprises scale their freelance adoption
3: Understanding how freelance talent platforms fit in the mix of freelance workforces
4: Common challenges and ways they’ve solved them
You’ll love this if you are:
> An Enterprise Director and above that’s leading, owning, or thinking about bringing freelance into your organization
> A Platform leader that wants to get closer with, and learn how large companies work with freelancers
> PE, VC, or Corp Strat leaders looking to understand the potential and challenges of consolidation between traditional and new sourcing solutions